Follow me |
LyricsFOLLOW MEFollow me to the sea Where I first called your name We didn't know each other so But I called and you came Remember we promised Our love wouldn't end We'd gather all people And love them as friends My spirit will be with you To light up your way I love you more than words can say... |
Short Song Description: I had once heard this beautiful song many years ago but only remembered the chorus which seemed so perfect as the closing song to "Going Home"... used with permission from Ray Repp |
Lyric Credits: Ray Repp |
Music Credits: Ray Repp |
Producer Credits: Francine Jarry |
Performance Credits: Francine Jarry |
Label Credits: The Rainbow Music Company |
Song Length: 1:34 |
Primary Genre: Pop-Easy Listening |
Secondary Genre: - |
Subject Matter 1: Spirituality |
Mood 1: Peaceful |