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Everything is temporary

Nothing's more important than feeling good, feeling good
Nothing's more important than feeling good now x2

When you're feeling bad, when you're feeling sad
Remember that it's temporary and soon you will be glad

That you decided to... take another view
Remember that it's temporary now you know what to do

When every now and then, you feel a little pain
Remember that it's temporary, there it went again

There it went again, there it went again
Everything is temporary, there it went again

So the next time you feel bad, the next time you feel sad
Remember that it's temporary soon you'll be glad you had

This opportunity to give you clarity
By now you will have understood
That first you must feel good...

Nothing's more important than feeling good, feeling good
Nothing's more important than feeling good now!
Short Song Description:
"law of attraction for children" to the melodies of well known nursery rhymes...

From the album "Lullabies of Well-Being" & LOA Part III - I Love My Life
Lyric Credits: Francine Jarry
Music Credits: Public domain (London bridge - The farmer in the dell)
Producer Credits: Francine Jarry
Publisher Credits: Rainbow Messenger Publishing
Performance Credits: Francine Jarry
Label Credits: The Rainbow Music Company
Song Length: 2:21
Primary Genre: Unique-Children
Secondary Genre: -
Lead Vocal: Female Vocal
Subject Matter 1: Energy
Subject Matter 2: Imagination